Tuesday, February 20, 2007

as Mardi Gras 2007 comes to an end...

Tonight at midnight the parade is over, the people stagger back to their residence, and the trashmen come out. As the clock strikes twelve the fun throwing beads and king cakes end as it comes time to clean up all the mess.

Oh how we need the same clean up in our hearts everyday. Oh how important it is to confess before the Lord the mistakes, faults, the dropped balls, missed opportunities, areas where we just flat-out fail, and sin everyday.

I'm so glad I am loved by a God who forgives and forgets. I'm so glad that I've been called to serve in the midst of uncertainty and open-ended questions. Even mardi gras can be a time of reflection and realization.

Sunday, February 04, 2007


Growing up the word "rejected" meant loser. And boy did I feel like one VERY often. But I guess I know how the usual super-bowl party churches feel now. Recent news of how churches (in particular) are unable to show the "big game" if their televesions and/or screens are more than 55 inches, is ABSURD.

One of the things I really hate in ministry is the word "rejected" or the word "denied". Granted the words may cause church splits in the area of services and styles of worship, but here we see the NFL (also known as the 'no fun league' by some) trying to crack down on the televising of their game. A recent report I found here gives some grave details in to this new phenomenon on cracking down for the 'big game'.

Once again, another organization is trying to deplete the ministries of the local church. Well i'm sure the ACLU is loving this one, because it is usually them who have to get Baptist feedback for ridiculous charges and accusations they try to pin on Baptists. I think this goes to show that our MESSAGE of the GOSPEL should never ever change, but the METHODS by which we share must continually engage a culture that is far more into themselves then other people around them.

But this isn't just a Baptist thing, many churches of all denominations hold these type of outreach events, whether in a small home or church facility. And by the way, bars are ok because they charge a cover according to the UN-FUN FOOTBALL LOSERS. But i got news for them, i passed a sports bar/grille on my way to church and they advertised "NO COVER".

What do you think bloggers?

ps. 212-450-2000 is the NFL number and the commissioner's name is Roger Goodell