Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Goodbye Falwell

In the tribute and funeral for Brother Jerry Falwell,

"'Vines noted that Falwell knew the 'will of God, the work of God and the welcome of God,' and that Falwell had a 'three-fold anointing of God.' One was as a prophet to the United States and 'not just some preacher who decided he would dabble into politics.'
Another role was as an educator, said Vines, who said he would belabor the well-known story of Liberty University, but invited everyone to 'look around.' The third role was as a pastor. 'God used this man to build a Gospel-preaching church. [Falwell] was a mega-church pastor before mega-churches were cool,' Vines said."

May God be with the Falwell and Liberty University Family during this time.

found online at: http://www.baptistpress.org/BPnews.asp?ID=25697

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Summer 2007


2555Will you please pray for Intracoastal Outreach this summer. Our summer missionary staff will begin Friday, May 25th at noon and go through orientation and training till our first summer group arrives on Sunday, June 3rd. We will minister for ten weeks this summer on the beach, in apartment complexes, campgrounds, neighborhood block parties, and in a myriad of ministry locations.

We have over 550 volunteers coming to serve with us from all over the USA and we are excited about what God is going to do through our ministry, labor, sacrifice, and selfless-ness. Each Tuesday in June and July we will serve over 150 lifeguards and build relationships with them. Our desire is that each lifeguard will have a one-on-one opportunity with our summer staff to not only hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to accept His amazing gift of salvation.

You may not be able to come, visit, or bring a group this summer, but you sure can pray for us.

Thank-you ahead of time for your prayers, and we look forward to letting you know how God will use all of us for His glory and name this summer in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!
