On the eve of mission week three, I thought I would write a few notes and lessons I've learned this summer both as mission speaker and staff supervisor.
The aim for our services each night for our student mission groups is to expound on the knowledge and need to be satisfied in Christ, and in Christ alone. On Sunday night we look into the very life of Enoch, a man who walked with God. On Monday we look at Job and how even in the midst of uncertainty and difficult situations, he was a man who feared God. Wednesday night we reflect on not only the call of Moses but that he in fact asked to see the "glory of God" and how God hid him in the cleft of the rock allowing Moses to be a man who saw God (well his back really). Thursday night has been our creative service and we have closed the week declaring that without Christ, life is meaningless. That life in and of itself is nothing apart from the fulfillment, joy, unity, and contentment that we find in Christ's satisfaction.
Seeing as I am 8 to 3 years of age apart from "my" summer missionaries, it has been a growing experience for all of us. I find myself saying often... "As your supervisor do this (fill in the blank), but as your friend and brother in Christ do (fill in the blank)." The past couple of weeks have been difficult not only professionally but also personally, and they have been so greatfully caring and loving through it all. Just last week over 8 people received Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives, and I prayerfully thank God for His working and moving them to take the Gospel Message to the ministry sites, beach walks, and evening services we share with our mission groups.
I will try to write more as time allows and as the Lord continues to show His will and speak to me.
Good night - Peter