Thursday at 4pm I am leaving to attend the graduation ceremony at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary of my two bestest friends in the whole world, Ryan and Melissa Peduzzi. They also will celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary (which in and of itself is a whole another story that puts us 3 first together in ministry on dorchester road in the Summer of 2002 serving as summer missionaries with Charleston Outreach). So to keep the details of that away, I thought a post was in order to say CONGRATULATIONS RYAN & MELISSA. (PhD Ryan?)
The plane ride to Atlanta yesterday morning from Myrtle Beach connecting in Charlotte gave me some great time to catch up on some reading (since the last flight to Pittsburgh a couple of weekends ago) so here are two more books to add to the library--- the books read one that is!
What Women WIsh You Knew About Dating by Stephen Simpson. Ryan laughed at me through text today on this book. My singleness is the end of a lot of his jokes, but I do seem to find a 'single, need a date, maybe a little bitter' book each year to read. I liked this one actually. Blunt, to the point, honest, and a little controversial. Simpson writes from his heart on a subject many either blow up in your face about or shy away from, so way to go Simpson!