Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Travel Update:
This fall semester also brought many flights and miles on the Honda.  Here's a brief look where...
    September - Montana for a On Missions Conference (OMC)
                      New Orleans Seminary for seminar weekend
    October -    The country of Myanmar (formerly named Burma) for a mission trip
                      Clovis, California, to see Wil and Summer Owens
                      Las Vegas, Nevada, for the Association of Resort and Leisure Ministries conference
    November - New Orleans Seminary for seminar weekend
                      Duluth, Georgia, for the Georgia Baptist State Convention
                      Columbia - HOME - Thanksgiving with my family
    December - New Orleans Seminary for seminar weekend
                      Myrtle Beach, SC, to see friends and celebrate Ryan Peduzzi's 30th birthday

Mission Trip Update:
Many of you know that I have been on many mission trips overseas.  The have included the countries of Mexico, Nepal, Kenya (twice), India, Wales, and in October -- Myanmar.  If I had to pick the best one, it would be Myanmar.  The need is great and Emanuel Ministries under the leadership and direction of Pastor Joseph was a personal encouragement and blessing from Above.  Below you will see a few pictures of the Bible college students.  Notice the "World Changers" bags we were able to give them so they could carry their new bibles.  Along with the pictures is a recent email from Pastor Joseph regarding the events after our time with them...

Thank you very much for your present 4 books which are special inspired to help me to do His will in every day for His glory. And thanks a lot to Brother Greg Smith who has presented me ESV Bible the best gift which guide me and lead me to God' will in my daily life and make a special sermon to make the disciples.

This is unexpected and suddenly happen to the Christian toward Camplet in the mission field of Josiah. There is a bad oppression and persecution that the Buddhists firstly cut off and break off the cross by the sword what they set up on the mountain and on the church. And after that they have beaten and persecuted the men and they raped their women badly and sadly.Some of the Christian ran away into the jungle.

Nevertheless Josiah' heart is not loosen from having passion for the mission to continue in his mission field camplet and he says like prophet Isiah here am I send me Lord when God is still saying that whom shall I send and who will go for us.And then tow of graduates  would be sent to another mission fields like Josiah for preaching the Gospel boldly to the unreached people. For the weather is colder day by day, I am very cold with orphans and students too.

I am so happy and I appreciate you so much for you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and His own special people to proclaim the praise of Him who called you out of the darkness into His marvelous light. Our students went up to the Mountain top and fasted for three days for Gospel outreach by tow group in Chin State and Kalay valley to Buddhist with Gospel tracts to be distributed what I have written 1. Eternity 2.Jesus is the way of eternal life. I am sending you the photos of our students' prayer on the mountain. Our students remembered you all and your family too in prayer.

Book Update:
The following books are the ones for PhD seminars I read this semester

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mission - Myanmar - Update

I received the following today from Wil Owens concerning our trip:

"Exciting news from Pastor Joseph. He has been spreading the word that the Americans are coming. As a result, many Buddhists and university students want to attend the graduation to hear what we have to say! Wow! An open door for the gospel! Along those lines, Pastor Joseph wants the Great Commission to be the theme of the graduation. We will all have an opportunity to share. I plan on preaching a sermon specifically geared to "sending" the students out as missionaries. Feel free to share whatever the Lord lays upon your heart, but we can all tie everything back to the Gospel!"

Please PRAY today for our trip:

Friday, July 01, 2011

Mission Trip - Myanmar - October 1-12, 2011

Plans are underway and the flights have been made...
My buddies (Wil Owens and Randy Alston) and I are going to be a part of a Bible college graduation. We will be teaching students, sharing our testimony, preaching/teaching at church services, sharing at
the graduation, and witnessing in villages. Below is a picture of Pastor Joseph and Emmanual Ministries in Kalay City, Myanmar:
Books I'm working through & others I've finished this summer:

Friday, June 24, 2011

a MUCH needed update

Mother's Day weekend brought the end of spring and the beginning of summer. It brought the semester to a close & we spent the long weekend in New Orleans as a family. The highlight of the weekend happened when Randy (my brother) asked Ashley to marry to him, and she replied YES! This means a June 2 (2012) wedding in Nawlins.

Below are the second half of books for the spring semester that I slacked off on putting up:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another semester... another seminar... and my first reading colloquium:

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mission India : October 1-13

Time to return back to India's Hopegivers International ministry.

Before entering into my senior year in high school I went to India for my first international mission experience. IT IS TIME TO RETURN!

I hope you can join us for this incredible trip. First payment (which will determine who is going) will be $500 and is due on March 1.

Find out more about this incredible missional opportunity that will encourage the saint, the ministry, and expand the Kingdom! click here