Over the past ten years, I have really felt God’s call to the area of student ministry. I can not seem to get away from my passion for students, even when I have tried. There is a connection I feel for students, for their culture, and their hurts, from one extreme to the other. When I pursued the undergraduate degree in youth ministry from Charleston Southern University, my ideal job would have been to travel all around the world speaking to students (whether in churches, schools, big events, etc.). When I began seminary and throughout seminary, the possibility of teaching youth ministry really touched me in very special kind of way. In my past almost nine years of ministry, God has allowed me to do a myriad of ministries all relating to students in some facet. I have had the opportunities to serve an internship under a Music/Youth Minister, do some travel speaking to student groups (football teams, D-now, youth nights, etc.), in addition to Singles (mostly college and young adult) and Student Minister positions.
Currently, as a resort missionary with the North America Mission Board and serving on the associational staff, I work with youth ministers and directors and assist them in their mission trip in my mission field,
I have written a number a number of times that my passion is threefold: youth/college/evangelism. This passion has been and continues to be evident in my pursuit of God and in Him allowing me to serve Him in ministry. When I came to serve in
Even with a un-desirable verbal score on the GRE this past Friday, I fully believe that God has led me to apply for a PhD. Many have encouraged me, and affirmed me in this time commenting they could see me in this particular role/ministry. I intend on using this PhD to attain a teaching position on a Christian College campus to help empower, excite, and equip men and women(in certain positions) to be pastors, leaders in this world, and specifically student ministry ministers and leaders. I want to use this PhD to reach students with the same vigor and influence that those like my parents, student minister, professors, and Godly adults had on me.
This PhD is far beyond me by any imagination. Honest, the thought of PhD scares me. I have wrestled and thought about this decision for a very long time, but time and time again I really been moved by the Holy Spirit that this will not be mine, but His. If I was to walk across the stage in the chapel in a few years, I would know without a shadow of a doubt that this degree would be by His grace and favor alone. I want to use this for His glory and to continue making Him known in my life, in the community around me, the among the globe in the places he Has allowed (and will continue to allow) me to go, and for the furthering of student ministry leader development in the years to come.