Saturday, February 14, 2009

from the PhD application (part two)


My Spiritual development has been influenced early on through Christian parents, Christian education, and the involvement in a local church. I learned as a middle and high school student more and more about what spiritual faith looked liked in a practical way through my student minister at church, Danny Wilson. It was very common growing up that everyone said that I would become a preacher one day. To this day, I reflect back on his counsel, friendship, and commitment to me as a student that has helped me to be a man of service and real faith for Jesus Christ. He modeled for me a Christian marriage (in addition to my parents), an authentic walk with Jesus, and the importance of excellence in ministry. He took me places, showed me trust, and at times allowed me to have responsibility in different aspects of our student ministry.

In the Summer of 1996 (after my freshman year in high school) I attended a World Changers mission project in Charleston, West Virginia. It was during this week that I really felt God’s providential and guiding hand on my life and surrendered to the ministry. Some call it ministry leadership, others call it full time Christian ministry and service… call it what you will, but it was there that God got a hold of me and to this day, I have never been the same. It was as clear as it could be, and it was here that I knew that God had set me a part to serve Him vocationally as a minister.
In college, I pursued a Youth Ministry major because I fully believed that my call to ministry was to help students (middle school, high school, and collegiate) know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and to guide them in a real and growing relationship in Jesus Christ. Throughout much of my experience in college as youth intern, summer missionary, singles minister, student revival/ speaker, and as student minister, I have had countless number of people in my life affirm and encourage my call and passion for ministry on numerous occasions. I enjoyed ministry both in the church and on my Christian campus where unbelieving students went to school. Over these years I have learned much from those of whom I worked and studied under (i.e. Pastors, Youth Ministers, Professors, Campus Ministers, Missionaries).

In my seminary time, I learned a lot about sacrifice and surrender. Hurricane Katrina taught me a lot of people and a great deal about myself. I really began to learn that everyone has a story, but the greatest story I have tell is the most important thing in my life, and that is a relationship with Jesus Christ. My life verse has been for a couple of years now 1 Corinthians 10:31, when Paul stated, “Therefore, whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, do all for the glory of God”. I believe and will go to my grave confessing that my life should be lived for the Glory of God. Before all people, at all times, and in all things, my life should worship Jesus Christ. I have had men and women who loved God in my life model this passage for me, and so I want to model this cry of Paul’s for generations to come.

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