Wednesday, December 13, 2006

25.5 hours to graduation.. and this is what i just read!

AMERICANS PREFER RELIGION OVER SEX & VIOLENCE -- The American Bible Society and Zogby International conducted a poll in November called “What Is More Offensive on Television: Religion or Sex and Violence?” and what they found is contrary to what most television networks and advertising agencies contend.

Results indicate that 85 percent of American viewers desire more religious values and references to the Bible and less sex and violence in television programming.

“Here at the Bible Society, we advocate for the Bible and its place and role in society. We firmly believe that the Bible plays a critical role in the ongoing development of our culture and the social fabric of our country,” Paul Irwin, president of the American Bible Society, said. “Although America is a nation of many faiths, and in some instances no faith, Americans still believe that the Bible's teachings and values are an essential part of our common character.”

Three more polls are set to follow, asking television networks and movie producers to explain why they cut most faith-based references in their programming.


Richard D. Jenkins said...

It would be interesting to see how the survey was administered. For example:was it phone based, what was the total number of people surveyed(impacts actual truth of percentages), demographic of people surveyed(where did they get the database, were the people Christian) Stats can say many things, usually whatever the givers want them to say. It is also important to ask..."Could the givers of the survey have an agenda?" If so, it is probably wise to question.

I also heard something this morning that was interesting. Religious figures in Hollywood broadcasting are potrayed negatively 96% of the time. In reality based programs, in reality are perceived as negative only 40 or so % of the time. This does speak volumes to how we are viewed by the movie makers and the reality show viewers.

An example of stats: We have played roughly 9 rounds of putt putt. You have won 3. Does this mean that I am 200% better than you? Probably not. But if we have played 9000 and I had won 6000 and you 3000, the figures would be a truer representation. This is not even counting the issues of actual strokes. See I could win each round by only 1, and you could destroy me in your wins by 30. Then who is really better. See stats lie!!

Congrats on your graduation. I look forward to seeing you and solving all the problems of the world. Let me know when putt putt will happen. Peter, we love you and are so glad that you will soon be a bigger part of our lives. We are available to assist you as you may need it. Never hesitate to call on us.

Connector Blog said...

Richard & Sarah Jenkins,

Great point, I think the stats are confusing and very tempting to prove a situation, circumstance, or belief in our own way.

Have we played that many rounds of putt-putt? and have i really only won thrice? i guess i have met my match!

It has been a blessing to keep in touch and in prayer this semester and I look to the coming days of building the friendship we have by God's wonderful providence.

off to walk across the stage...PC
(but probably not backwards like you may suggest)