Saturday, August 19, 2006

Never been more Homesick than this...

Mom said I was "homesick" and I agreed. Not homesick from home in Columbia and her good southern cooking(well always for food), but homesick from Intracoastal Outreach! At first I was taken back that she said it, but it was ABSOLUTELY true, and hear is why:
Over the past two years in particular from May 2004-May 2006 I have been in seminary learning, discussing, reading, writing papers, and philosophically/theologically reasoning the overall term of "ministry" in about 80 classroom hours of work. Why do I miss doing ministry in Myrtle Beach with the ICO? Because I studied, read, and thought about it for too long. That would be the downfall of seminary, but seminary has been a great experience. But you know what I miss about ICO? heres what...
  1. sunday campground services with amanda raymer and johnathan
  2. monday mornings at day camps with katie and alison
  3. tuesday working at chick-fil-a (working with mormons and muslims)
  4. wednesday preaching at the holiday inn with mr. potato head
  5. thursday seeing our lifeguards for the second time that week with amanda
  6. friday driving the mini-van to bojangles for the weekly pickup with brittany
  7. saturday with no early Bible studies or waking up and kyle vacuuming
  8. sunday campground chaplains and eating with richard/sarah after service
  9. monday happy hour at Sonic with cherie
  10. tuesday drenching chrissy with water
  11. wednesday playing putt-putt with Richard
  12. thursday remembering that shawn lost his keys again... again... and again
  13. friday drinking coffee at amandas with sarah
  14. saturday finding out where everyone was going, going my own little way and chad bridge building
  15. and the rest of the Sundays?... doing it all over again

ICO was worthy every single moment. Every single moment had its own ministry, whether I realized it or not. I spent the most incredible summer with brothers and sisters who know (I hope without a doubt) that I am hear for them. I hope I modeled ministry and worship the best way I know how. I hope they saw in me devotion, passion, love, servanthood, and encouragement. Father, thanks for showing me that life is about worship, love is about you, service is about others. Thank-you for showing me time and time again that this life is not my own, that I am bought with a price, and that I should glorify You!


Anonymous said...

peter...i miss you...i love are amazing...and this summer was amazing...thanks for reminding all of us of all the great times!

Anonymous said...

are you going to be a proper image-bearer? i think that joseph of arimethea was a proper image bearer! (all of that said in a raspy voice, soft, like Peter's.)

-kyle young