Thursday, December 28, 2006

END of 2006

So here's the update as of 12-28:

I am in myrtle beach unpacking the many boxes and trying to make a home for myself on 4th avenue north, just a few blocks from the "old" Pavillion.

I am heading to see Kate tomorrow at home in Columbia for the entire weekend and will return here New Years night to begin my new position as US/C2 on Tuesday, January 2nd.

Watch out for those Kentucky'ers you tigers, a tiger rag-whipping is in store so stay tuned tomorrow afternoon.

For all you GAMECOCKS out there, we're going to win another and end the 2nd season with Spurrier as the "ole ball coach" very well.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How to Blog...

What a great semester, and I am glad it is finally over. The blog-world has been my new found interest this semester and having a blog has become an important part of learning outside the classroom this fall.

I have learned a great deal from my professor's blog and have found an idea that he has constantly written over and over again concerning the practice of blogging and I want to share it with each of you.

Blogging is about issues, thoughts, opinions, rants, preferences and the such. Blogging is NOT about attacking the person! For all who post on this blog in the days to come, blog on the issues and not on the blogger him/herself.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

CONTACT update

Peter Copeland

501 4th Avenue North
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Call: 803-920-3763 (cell)

Click for: My Website & My Blog

Paul declared, "Therefore, whatever you eat or drink,
do all for the glory of God" 1 Corinthians 10:31 (NASB)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

25.5 hours to graduation.. and this is what i just read!

AMERICANS PREFER RELIGION OVER SEX & VIOLENCE -- The American Bible Society and Zogby International conducted a poll in November called “What Is More Offensive on Television: Religion or Sex and Violence?” and what they found is contrary to what most television networks and advertising agencies contend.

Results indicate that 85 percent of American viewers desire more religious values and references to the Bible and less sex and violence in television programming.

“Here at the Bible Society, we advocate for the Bible and its place and role in society. We firmly believe that the Bible plays a critical role in the ongoing development of our culture and the social fabric of our country,” Paul Irwin, president of the American Bible Society, said. “Although America is a nation of many faiths, and in some instances no faith, Americans still believe that the Bible's teachings and values are an essential part of our common character.”

Three more polls are set to follow, asking television networks and movie producers to explain why they cut most faith-based references in their programming.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

BIG NEWS - Goin' Coastal

Just the other week at Lifeway Christian Store (where I work), a lady said she needed help and she called me by name. Granted I have a name badge and a lifeway embroidered shirt that looks exceptionally hott with my khakis, but this lady "knew" who I was. She knew because me because she saw me this past summer as I gave my testimony at the TravelPark Campground service on the first of eight Sunday campgrounds services that our ICO (3-person) team went to. I have to tell you, that over the past 4-5 months, God has affirmed His next ministry for me over and over again this semester. I cannot tell you how many goosebumps I have had, how much I have prayed, and how people in my life have encouraged and affirmed God's leading in my life come January 2007. After I graduate from Southeastern Next Friday the 15th, I am packing and "Goin' Coastal"!

Yesterday, Tuesday the 5th, I was approved by the North America Mission Board (NAMB) to serve as a US/C2 missionary in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The US/C2 position is a 2-year appointed position by NAMB to serve in the USA. My position title is "Church and Community Ministries Missionary." I will work with the Waccamaw Baptist Association, which is comprised of over 72 local baptist churches in the Myrtle Beach area. I will serve with the Intracoastal Outreach of the association partnering with churches from all over the USA to minister through the summer in the Grand Strand Community, the 3rd top tourist city in the USA!


Will you covenant with me in prayer for the sand ahead, the churches I will work with, the people I will serve with, the opportunites that abound, and the creativity that will arise to share Christ's love and His Gospel?

Look for me on myrtle with my yellow shirt -- GOIN' COASTAL

Why? Because Missions is a Lifestyle!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Books and Various

  • Have you taken the Quiz? Find out how much you think you know about Peter Copeland by clicking on this link to take a 10 question quiz and see how well you know him.
  • Connector Blog will release a huge announcement on Wednesday with some post-graduation news from Peter Copeland.
  • Peter's 25th Birthday is coming Monday the 11th and his last final exam is on Tuesday the 12th.
  • Let me share with you some books I have read since mid-September that you may want to read for yourself (Title of the book, Author, and Publisher):
  1. The Dangerous Duty of Delight (John Piper, Multnomah)
  2. The Christian Educators Handbook on Teaching (Gangel-Editor, Baker)
  3. Marriable (Michael and Haley DiMarco, Revell)
  4. Darwin's Black Box (Michael Behe, Free Press)
  5. What the Cross Means to Me (Holt-Editor, Harvest House)
  6. Soul Searching (Smith & Denton, Oxford) - most of
  7. Purpose Driven Youth Ministry (Doug Fields, Zondervan) - part of
  8. Christian Apologetics Handbook (Kreeft, Intervarsity) - part of
  9. Choosing God's Best (Raunikar, Prince Press) - some of

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Do you know PETER ?

YES? NO? Maybe SO?

take a quiz and see if you do:


Parody Found on the Goatkeeper:

"Fantasy leagues are no longer restricted to football and baseball. Be among the first to start your own Chapel Fantasy League. Choose your players well, and you could be the next Fantasy Chapel Souper Bowl Champion.

Build your team around your Guest Speaker, add a Master's prof, a Leavell prof, and let your worship leader clean up house.
Who will the number one pick? Will it be the seminary president? Maybe the SBC president? Will you risk your season on the NAMB speaker, or will you break the bank on a heavy hitter like the LifeWay speaker?

Score points on lengths of sermon, style, spitting distance, attendance, volume level. Extra points if your speaker is done by 11:30.

League play is Tuesday through Thursday 11:00 am-12:00 pm. No changes to rosters after start of first chapel each week. Attendance at chapel is not required, but is encouraged. Pack a pew and help your team out!"

Ps. Everyone needs a little seminarian-humor!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

For all you TURKEYS

Have you ever been called a turkey? Well I have and I still do not know what it means. I have been called a turkey when I have done something stupid and I have been called a turkey when I was being crazy. So when have you been called a turkey? So for all you who have been called a turkey.... the official day for turkeys is upon us.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

An open letter to NBC

As a graduate student with an undergraduate degree in Communications and as an avid watcher of your Nightly News cast for the past 12 years, I have noticed something that I thought should shed light to your broadcasting. I have been pleased with your coverage of Hurricane Katrina most notably as I was studying in New Orleans for my grduate degree and left two days before Katrina ravaged the city. I have enjoyed watching coverage of election results for the past six years and the tenacity and commitment you maintain to get the correct news information.

However, I have watched time and time again very apalled at the slant you give certain government individuals much more coverage and air time on your news cast. Specifically, I have questioned your view on leaning much to the "left side" of the issues in a Republican controlled government for the past six years. Just within the last year I have made note of the key individuals on the Democratic side of things concerning who you broadcast, interview, and feature. These noted individuals like Hilary Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama, just to name a few. While even on the Republican side of things, individuals like Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, and the re-elected Trent Lott are usually the only ones you broadcast, interview, and feature.

So the question arises, is NBC that biased? Is NBC only giving the information and the views they want the tv-watcher to know? Why not allow other great men and women in Congress some national air time? People sometimes say "that we are a divided country" and I wonder if this is fueled by the NBC corporation, or any other news-related corporation for that manner!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


the following is from the American Family Association and information I have kept up with lately:

Wal-Mart has gone on record that they are an advocate for the homosexual agenda. In the Out & Equal 2006 Workplace Summit Program Guide, Wal-Mart placed a full-page ad which explicitly stated that it would be an advocate for the homosexual movement. Keep in mind this ad was developed for the homosexual conference and aimed at participating homosexual groups.

Not only did Wal-Mart place the ad in the program guide, they also gave $60,000 to Out & Equal, a homosexual organization pushing the same-sex agenda, including same-sex marriage, in the workplace. Out & Equal served as conference host and the donation went to help sponsor the Out & Equal Workplace Summit held this past September in Chicago.

The purpose of the conference was to train homosexuals to convince the companies for which they work to support the homosexual agenda and to encourage other companies to do the same.

At the conference, Pride, Wal-Mart’s in-house homosexual group, presented a PowerPoint presentation detailing how they were successful in getting Wal-Mart to support the homosexual agenda. The PowerPoint presentation, telling Pride’s story, contains 51 frames. Each page of the presentation contains the line “Confidential Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.” It was used to encourage conference participants to follow Pride’s example in the companies for which they work.

Millions of Americans are not aware of Wal-Mart’s support for homosexual marriage. PLEASE LET ALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY KNOW THIS INFORMATION!

(And Richard, if you read this, thanks for leaving Wal-Mart so I can post this)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Shut Up Elton

I checked Yahoo News early this morning before heading out to church and found this startling and in-appropriate news blip (click here). Now when does Religion lack compassion? Well if you include Islam as a religion the statement is clear and true. But I am reminded of story of the Good Samaritan who had compassion and love for the beaten man and not only picked the man up but provided lodging as long as the man needed. I saw compassion as 13 other ICO staff members and the various student groups who shared our summer with us who loved and hugged and played with children from all walks of life and told them about Jesus. Compassion must be embodied by children of God at all times to all people for the glory of God.

Now to hatred of homosexuals. Elton is definitely speaking out of turn. Yes, some "religious people" may show/express hatred to homosexuals and for that I even cringe and lose heart. But men and woman of God (i.e. saved believers) must continually love homosexuals. If I had the chance this week, I would give Mr. Elton John a hug saying Christ loves you and died for you. I do not condone or agree with the sin of homosexuality friends like Mr. Elton, as time and time again, Scripture after Scripture speaks against the sin of homosexuality.
The whole concept here is that Mr. Elton has once again put his foot in his big-gayish mouth. Granted the guy has made some decent songs in my lifetime and Disney even received some credit for the Lion King for one, but Elton John needs Jesus. Just like the people in our neighborhoods, schools, churches, workplaces, civil clubs, and organizations need Jesus. I hope that you and I go against the "religiousity" of this world and that you and I emphatically love people.

"Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is One. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your Mind." As with Jesus' reply to the one who asked what the greatest commandment, he then added "Love your neighbor as yourself." Oh that you and I would become the ones to lavish out Christ's love on the homosexuals, the needy, the poor, the homeless, the unqualified, the sick, the isolated, the imprisoned, the orphans, the persecuted, but most importantly the one's who need an ear to their rumbling, a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on, and a friend to walk with through the trials, circumstances, bad health, and even the death of a loved one.

Do you love God with all your heart? soul? and mind?

Monday, October 30, 2006


In the past 13 months on campus at Southeastern, I have managed to adjust and situate myself into a new seminary with new rules, harder grade-scaling, and better affordable campus housing.

Today, my brother (who is a student at Leavell College on the campus of New Orleans Seminary) gave me a link to one of my favorite things from NOBTS. The link is a myspace page of the GOATKEEPER.

The GOATKEEPER was a parody newspaper by NOBTS students of the different events happening around campus. I have included the link below for you to share in the humor and parody of the GOATKEEPER

Saturday, October 28, 2006

2006 Reunion

STAFF you are
invited to the.....

2006 Summer ICO
Staff Reunion
Myrtle Beach, S. C.

December 19 - 21

RSVP by Wed. November 8th

Come and be blessed as we share our memories, our random oddities, and how God has blessed us this semester at school. I do not have to tell you that you will not want to miss this special time of blessing, crazyness, and "oh no you denton"!

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20th UPDATE

  • This Sunday, October 22nd, I will be preaching at the Calvary Baptist Church in Meggett, South Carolina, for their 102nd Homecoming. The service will be at 10:30AM. I will be traveling down to Charleston Saturday and will return late on Sunday.
  • I will be traveling Nov. 9-10 to Alpharetta, Georgia to complete the interview process with the North American Mission Board for the US/C2 missionary position.
  • Please pray for me and those who will be conducting the interviews as we do all for the Glory of GOD!
  • Thank you for your continued help and support during this application process!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Blogging is...

Blogging is.... typing what your feeeling
Blogging is.... letting people you know whats on your mind
Blogging is.... wandering if anyone even reads your blog

Blogging is.... allowing those closest to me to hopefully be blessed, encouraged, & challenged to live their faith out & share their faith with others.
Throughout this year, I have really given much thought and heart into the verse of 1 Corinthians 10:31, (and ICO staff lets say it together) "Therefore, whatever you do, whether you eat or whether you drink, do all for the glory of God." This is the life verse of Peter Copeland. This verse humbles me. It makes much of God, and God alone. As Christ INCREASES in my life, I can do nothing else but DECREASE. If everything I do is done for the glory, the honor, praise, exaltation, magnification and worth of God in Heaven, then everything I do must be done in purity, obedience, sacrifice, and in His strength.

When I first made my CopelandConnections webpage in geocities, I captured the following verse found in Isaiah 43:1-2 at the very top of the webpage, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! When you pass through the waters, I will be with you...For I am the Lord your God..."

I recently had to put up (yet, again) a desktop photo of the "It's Not About Me" book cover by Max Lucado. It is a constent reminder, that my life is for His glory. I was created to worship, I am called to worship, and I cannot do anything in this life on this side of the cross WITHOUT worship.

So the question is: Who or what is your life about?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Merry early Christmas to the ACLU!

Yes, Christmas cards! This is coming early (really early) so that you can get ready to include an important address to your list:

What a GREAT idea! Fun with the ACLU...... Wanna have some fun this CHRISTMAS? Send the ACLU a CHRISTMAS CARD this year. As they are working so very hard to get rid of the CHRISTMAS part of this holiday, we should all send them a nice, CHRISTIAN, card to brighten up their dark, sad, little world. Make sure it says "Merry Christmas" on it. Here's the Address, just don't be rude or crude. (It's Not the Christian Way):

125 Broad Street
18th Floor New York, NY 10004

Two tons of Christmas cards would freeze their operations because they wouldn't know if any were regular mail containing contributions. So spend 39 cents and tell the ACLU to leave Christmas alone. Also tell them that there is no such thing as a "Holiday Tree". . . It's a Christmas Tree even in the fields!!

(this was a forward, but i have edited it for great content and a great suggestion for all of us to share Christ even with the ACLU)

Monday, September 25, 2006

Senator Jim DeMint

When I travel home mid-October, I intend on voting absentee. Over the past year I have some, though very little, correspondence with South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint. First, I contacted his office about the hostility by India's government and Hindu leaders concerning the Emmanuel Ministries in Kota, India. A bill was put before the senate and Demint gave his approval for the bill. Second, I learned that DeMint would be speaking to the South Carolina Baptist Convention in November and I emailed his office letting DeMint know I was praying for him, as he would be giving his testimonty to the SCBC messengers.
I am an avid reader of the Baptist Press webpage and the following was released at
this page concerning Senator DeMint:

Sen. Jim DeMint, R.-S.C., has blocked a confirmation vote on President Bush’s nominee to head the Food and Drug Administration unless he acts to suspend the sale of the abortion drug RU 486.

I know where I stand and vote w
hen it comes to S.Carolina Senator Jim DeMint!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It makes me "feel good"? well not really

Over the past couple of years, the preacher/speaker of Joel Osteen has made me cringe. Concerning the following two articles found on this page, it is very evident to me that Joel Osteen does NOT preach the whole counsel of God's Word. He is picking and choosing the feel-good and inspirational parts of the Bible.

Maybe this could be an open conversation between us in the coming days. But the following found on the weblink above really makes me skeptical on the "preacher" of Joel Osteen:

[Joel Ostee] was at a Boston bookstore signing books when he was asked his opinion about "gay marriage," which has been legal in Massachusetts since 2004. According to the Boston Herald, Osteen "suddenly got sheepish." "I don't think it's God's best," Osteen said, according to the Sept. 2 edition of the Herald. "I never feel like homosexuality is God's best." Pressed further, Osteen added, "I don't feel like that's my thrust ... you know, some of the issues that divide us, and I'm here to let people know that God is for them and He's on their side."

Writing in his weblog, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. said Osteen's answer fell short."Put that alongside the fact that Stephen Green was recently arrested in Great Britain for passing out pamphlets that included Bible verses clearly declaring homosexuality to be a sin," Mohler wrote. "Christians in many parts of the world now risk arrest for declaring openly what the Bible clearly teaches. Mr. Osteen can be assured that his weak and evasive non-answer to this reporter's question will put him at very little risk for arrest. But then, pandering prophets are rarely at much of a risk from the public anyway."There was no conviction in his answer; no clear declaration of biblical truth; no Gospel, no judgment, and no promise. Just a non-answer with a smile. Pathetic ... simply pathetic."

It is not the first time Osteen has given a somewhat evasive answer to a moral question. In June 2005, during an appearance on CNN's "Larry King Live," Osteen was asked about his positions on "gay marriage" and abortion."You know what, Larry? I don't go there. I just ...," he said, according to a transcript. "... I just, you know, I don't think that a same-sex marriage is the way God intended it to be. I don't think abortion is the best. I think there are other, you know, a better way to live your life. But I'm not going to condemn those people. I tell them all the time our church is open for everybody."

"You don't call them sinners?" King asked."I don't," Osteen said."Is that a word you don't use?" King asked."I don't use it," Osteen responded. "I never thought about it. But I probably don't. But most people already know what they're doing wrong. When I get them to church I want to tell them that you can change. There can be a difference in your life. So I don't go down the road of condemning."

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Got Tracts?

Here is the story from a week ago and now this is what I am thinking:

As many of you know I faithfully work at Lifeway Christian Store in Raleigh on Capitol Boulevard between 10-20 hours a week. Our store has it's own unique customers granted, but there are some worth blogging about! A lady has come in like two visits out of the last three weeks I have worked. Noting at the checkout counter, " you need some more tracts, do you know when you'll get some more in." And on the way out after she paid her ten bucks worth of 'gospel' tracts, imperatively noting something to the effect of, "how can i tell these kids if i can't get tracts here."

Now excuse me for a moment, when was the last time you needed a tract to tell someone about Salvation in Christ? People may respond to tracts. People may throw the tract on the ground. People may even pass the tract on to some other more likely tract reader. But when did having a tract become the only way to tell someone about Salvation in Christ?

If this is the mind-set we have given about tracts, we have failed. Man can not live by bread alone, and I would substitute the word tract for bread. Man cannot live on tract alone! Take the life-changing Gospel to the hard places, to the hard peoples, not only living it but telling it as you go along. Don't rely on on the tracts, rely on the Father who came and dwelt among us...Who embraced a cross on our behalf so that we could become the righteousness of God!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Sorry for the eleven day gap in this post and the last one, I have been catching up on some school work.

First off, let me share with you some books I have read since August that you may want to read for yourself (Title of the book, Author, and Publisher):
  1. Bible Study Methods (Rick Warren, Zondervan)
  2. When God Builds a Church (Bob Russell, Howard)
  3. Real Teens (Barna, Regal)
  4. Darwin on Trial (Phillip Johnson, Intervarsity)

Second, I hope for you as the autumn days begin very soon, that your relationship with Christ will continue to grow and you will remain steadfast in your faith.

Third, let us all remember to pray for the upcoming November election. I hope that we all do our homework and prayerfully consider those whom are running for office. We need leaders with a Biblical world-view that will help shape and form our society to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

Friday, September 08, 2006

My Favorite Chapel preacher

To quote a hebrew expression: "WOW"

This has to be the most famous quote of Dr. Charles "Chuck" Kelley, President of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Thursday, September 7th, Dr. Kelley addressed, preached, and everything else to our chapel audience at Southeastern Baptist Seminary. Speaking from his heart and his shattered life in the past year, Dr. Kelley expounded on a familiar passage found in Isaiah 43:1-2.

Here is a link to the message found on the SEBTS webpage to hear this incredible message by a powerful preacher and communicator of God's Word: click here

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Not your normal post :

I recently wrote the following to the Richard Furman Scholarship Committee of the South Carolina Baptist Convention,

"I am grateful and honored to be a recipient of the Richard Furman Scholarship I received on May 26, 2006, which will assist my seminary education at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. I recognize this letter of thanks is overdue, but I received the scholarship letter while serving for ten weeks this summer with the Intracoastal Outreach in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. After overcoming a move from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary due to Hurricane Katrina just one year ago, I have seen the power, provision, and love of God in amazing ways. I will graduate from SEBTS on December 15 this year with a Masters of Divinity degree in the area of Christian Education. Furthermore, I will be obtaining a Youth Ministry Certificate from the New Orleans Seminary. I know my parents share in appreciation with me in this special financial gift. I am personally thankful for the people of the South Carolina Baptist Convention who are giving through the Cooperative Program as they seek to help and train men and women of God for Kingdom work by giving sacrificially in this way. The Cooperative Program is making education a reality for me!"

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labor Day 2006

So I just returned from a wonderful and relaxing vacation in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Yes, a little trip back to memory lane and to the Intracoastal Outreach refuge on 4th Avenue North! It was a great adventure where I got to see some former summer staffers (kyle young, amanda raymer, and alissa), my US2 friend Amanda Smith, and all of five minutes with my summer supervisor Todd Wodd. It was also a blessing to spend some time with Richard Jenkins, chaplain at Apache Family Campground and play some putt-putt with him (definitely our summer competitive-activity). Sunday morning I had the chance to preach to his Apache congregation on the pier over the Atlantic Ocean. Saturday night was spent in Pawley's Island with my friend Keith Wall and his family over dinner (Keith and I served on church staff together when I was at Charleston Southern University). I hope your Labor Day and your Labor Day weekend was a blessing from the Father of Lights!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Chapel Comments

The most commented post has been the chapel requirement I wrote about early on in this blog. Currently 5 comments have been made, and I have responded to one directly, and the other one to the overall reason I put the post on my blog. FEEL FREE to comment, because I wonder and anticipate where this will lead us all. By the way, I have attended chapel a couple of times this semester for those who want to know. This Thursday, I anticipate Dr. Charles "Chuck" Kelley of the New Orleans Seminary as he will be preaching in Binkley Chapel to our student body for chapel. I would conclude by saying that Dr. Kelley is by far the most exciting preacher who sings with all his heart and you know he means it by the way he sings it.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Read this New Orleans Newspaper advertisement

The full-color ad was purchased in behalf of New Orleans Baptists by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, Joe McKeever, director of missions for the Greater New Orleans Baptist Association, noted. The full text of the ad follows:
“You know us. We're the Baptist church in your neighborhood -- like Williams Boulevard Baptist Church in Kenner at Interstate 10, Riverside Church on Jefferson Highway, West St. Charles in Boutte, and Celebration Church on Transcontinental. We're El Camino Iglesia and El Buen Pastor Iglesia in Metairie, the Vietnamese Baptist Church in Gretna, and the Korean Agape Church in Marrero. In New Orleans, we are Edgewater Church on Paris Avenue, New Salem in the Ninth Ward, and Franklin Avenue, now worshiping with First Baptist Church on Canal Boulevard. We are Grace on North Rampart, Oak Park on Kabel, and Horeb Spanish on Bellemeade. We are Port Sulphur Church downriver in Plaquemines Parish, and in St. Bernard, we're Poydras and Delacroix Hope Baptist churches, and the coalition church meeting at Chalmette High School. Before Katrina, we counted 140 of our churches large and small in the metro area. At the moment, that number is 85. We are the yellow-shirted ‘Disaster Relief’ volunteers you saw for months after Katrina -- running chainsaws, gutting out houses, handing out food and water, preparing and serving literally millions of hot meals throughout the area. Our people arrived from every state in the union to assist New Orleans, serving under the leadership of our own Louisiana Baptist Convention ( We are Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Georgia, Kentucky, and Louisiana red-shirted 'Builders for Christ,' reconstructing houses throughout the metro area ( We are ‘Operation NOAH Rebuild’ with offices at Calvary Baptist Church in Algiers, coordinating the work of a constant stream of volunteers from churches across America. We are the Volunteer Village in the World Trade Center at the foot of Canal Street, able to house 500 volunteers a night. Our people have gutted out thousands of flooded homes already and are at work this very moment rebuilding houses ( We are ‘Baptist Crossroads,’ the Ninth Ward project where our volunteers are constructing forty new homes under the direction of Habitat for Humanity. When these homes are finished, we plan to keep right on so long as there is a need ( We are the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary on Gentilly Boulevard, birthed in this city in 1917 and committed to the rebuilding of a brand-new New Orleans ( We are brothers and sisters to all who follow Jesus Christ as Lord. We take literally the words of the Savior when He said, 'Inasmuch as you do it unto the least of these my brethren, you do it unto me' (Matthew 25:40). Helping our neighbors is His command and our privilege. We love New Orleans. In fact, we are New Orleans. We love you, New Orleans. We're with you for the duration.”

Katrina anniversary

The following is a link to MSNBC's page with an amazing look at the City of New Orleans just one year ago and how it looks today:

Monday, August 28, 2006

A look back at the "long journey home"

One year ago tonight I was weary and shaky of the category five hurricane that beckoned the Gulf Coast and the seminary I was attending. A year later at a different seminary I am still amazed at the sovereignty and complexity of my Father, God. As I have reflected over the past few hours and even the past many months, I have seen and experienced the leading and directing of God's powerful hand. Somehow through the tragedy, somehow through the unanswered questions, and yet even through the dark uncertainty God has remained the same and unchanged. This afternoon I read a story about Bobby Welch and his last service with the people of First Baptist Church Daytona, FL. In his final charge as co-pastor of the huge church family Welch declared, "It’s time for you to go where God is leading you in the future. It’s time for me to go do whatever God’s going to do with me. But I can promise you this as we go different ways today, if we keep coming to Jesus and we keep going for the lost ... we will continue to see each other and bump into each other on the journey." I have lost for a time many great people and servants of God I met and had classes with on campus at New Orleans Seminary. But, "if we keep coming to Jesus and we keep going for the lost ... we will continue to see each other and bump into each other on the journey." I hope to see you, too, on the journey as we keep Kingdom focused all the way!

Friday, August 25, 2006

2006 Fall Football

I love South Carolina, always have and always will. I love South Carolina Football, also. There is only one college team worth watching just in case you forgot... SOUTH CAROLINA GAMECOCKS! I would be as so BOLD to predict atleast 7 wins this fall for the 'ol Cocks and I could see them winning 8 (my predictions)! This Thanksgiving will be even better in 2006, food, family, football, friends, fellowship, and CAROLINA smacking some tiger rag-tail!

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Here is a short post...... Check out this link for a very timely and bold clip on the RAPTURE!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Never been more Homesick than this...

Mom said I was "homesick" and I agreed. Not homesick from home in Columbia and her good southern cooking(well always for food), but homesick from Intracoastal Outreach! At first I was taken back that she said it, but it was ABSOLUTELY true, and hear is why:
Over the past two years in particular from May 2004-May 2006 I have been in seminary learning, discussing, reading, writing papers, and philosophically/theologically reasoning the overall term of "ministry" in about 80 classroom hours of work. Why do I miss doing ministry in Myrtle Beach with the ICO? Because I studied, read, and thought about it for too long. That would be the downfall of seminary, but seminary has been a great experience. But you know what I miss about ICO? heres what...
  1. sunday campground services with amanda raymer and johnathan
  2. monday mornings at day camps with katie and alison
  3. tuesday working at chick-fil-a (working with mormons and muslims)
  4. wednesday preaching at the holiday inn with mr. potato head
  5. thursday seeing our lifeguards for the second time that week with amanda
  6. friday driving the mini-van to bojangles for the weekly pickup with brittany
  7. saturday with no early Bible studies or waking up and kyle vacuuming
  8. sunday campground chaplains and eating with richard/sarah after service
  9. monday happy hour at Sonic with cherie
  10. tuesday drenching chrissy with water
  11. wednesday playing putt-putt with Richard
  12. thursday remembering that shawn lost his keys again... again... and again
  13. friday drinking coffee at amandas with sarah
  14. saturday finding out where everyone was going, going my own little way and chad bridge building
  15. and the rest of the Sundays?... doing it all over again

ICO was worthy every single moment. Every single moment had its own ministry, whether I realized it or not. I spent the most incredible summer with brothers and sisters who know (I hope without a doubt) that I am hear for them. I hope I modeled ministry and worship the best way I know how. I hope they saw in me devotion, passion, love, servanthood, and encouragement. Father, thanks for showing me that life is about worship, love is about you, service is about others. Thank-you for showing me time and time again that this life is not my own, that I am bought with a price, and that I should glorify You!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why so mandatory?

Recently news on our campus has many of our Southeastern students turned upside down - news that each student must attend 30 out of 42 chapels. Now let me rant on this for just a few moments.I have not found in my studying of God's Word a maximum nor a minimum on how many times I should be a part of the church. Nor have I found that "forsaking the fellowship of believers" is the same as missing 13 or more chapel sermons. Chapel is at 10AM and the rules state you have to be there by 10:05AM for your attendance to be counted. Now excuse me, if i have to drop a 'bomb' (AKA number 2) in the toilet across campus where my class is, I probably will not make the 10:05AM cut-off. I have to admit that this is a stupid policy and a move to make our seminary look really good to our guest chapel speaker because all our students have come to hear them preach. SEBTS beware, God may not think you look so good. I think i'll go to chapel when my heart is in the right place, when God leads me, and maybe for the heck of it I'll go one day as i watch the squirrels run me over on the sidewalk on there way there (so they wont get kicked off our grass or our campus for that matter for missing more than 12 chapels themselves).

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fuel for Missions Aim

What fuels you to do missions and share Christ? This summer I shared with a couple of our groups a message on John 14:6 " Jesus said, 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,' No one comes to the Father except through Me." This verse fuels my desire to bring the Gospel to the hard people in the hard places (as John Piper puts it). Not only does Christ boldly exclaim the exclusivity of the Gospel, but in saying it, I believe He exerts His authority and power. Jesus draws the line in the sand and says that without Him noone comes to the Father. This fuels my flame for living and telling the Gospel. John 14:6 shows us the absolute that without Christ we will not see Glory. Without Christ we will never be satisfied or fulfilled with the abundant life He has to offer you and I. Are you satisfied? Christ is more than enough and He is more than you will ever need in this life. What fuels you?

Friday, August 11, 2006

The Little Things in LIFE

You know, the little things in life get me really excited! For example, this blog excites me! But, when is the last time you saw someone excited about sharing Christ and showing His love? This summer I watched a girl on my team at Intracoastal Outreach share Christ's love in a way that touched my heart, deeply! Cherie would pick up some of her kids from the morning day camp and take them to our service we had for our student groups at the Holiday Inn. Following the service, she would often run them home, but not before she went to Sonic to get them a little tasty treat. I have to admit that this really changed my outlook on ministering to kids. Not only did these kids see Cherie eight full weeks out of the summer, every morning (Monday-Friday), whether it was a good day or a bad day, but Cherie went beyond her responsiblity to minister. I can write tonight that God called Cherie to minister to those kids at Sandygate because she took ownership and shared her love with them. When is the last time you took ownership of what you were called to do and you do it in/with love?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

First one... so drained!

For the past week, I have been spiritually-emotionally-mentally-physically drained. Ever since I left the beach I feel as if I have no energy or power. But I am reminded that "Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world." The one who lives inside me is of peace and not confusion! I cannot tell you, or write, or paint a picture of all the great things I learned and experienced this summer in doing missions on the sandy shores of Myrtle, but one thing I can share with you tonight as I sit in a random hotel in North Mobile is this... 1 Corinthians 10:31 rocks my life. It penetrates my heart and makes me recognize that I exist to do all for the Glory of God. Why do you exist?